The interactive graphics also provides facility called update dynamics. With update dynamics it is possible to change the shape, colour or other properties of the objects being viewed. With the recent development of digital signal processing (DSP) and audio synthesis chip the interactive graphics can now provide audio feedback along with the graphical feedbacks to make the simulated environment even more realistic.

In short, interactive graphics permits extensive, high-brand width user-computer interaction. It significantly enhances the ability to understand information, to perceive trends and to visualize real or imaginary objects either moving or stationary in a realistic environment. It also makes it possible to get high quality and more precise result and products with lower analysis and design cost.

Representative Uses of Computer Graphics

The use of computer graphics is wide spread. It is used in various areas such as industry, business, government organizations, education, entertainment and most recently the home. Let us discuss representative uses of computer graphics in brief.

User friendliness is one of the main factors underlying the success and popularity of any system. It is now a well established fact that graphical interfaces provide in attractive and easy interaction between users and computers. The built-in graphics provided with user interfaces use visual control items such as buttons, menus, icons, scroll bar etc, which allows user to interact with computer only by mouse-click. Typing is necessary only to input text to be stored and manipulated.
In industry, business, government and educational organizations, computer graphics is most commonly used to create 2D and 3D graphics of mathematical, physical and economic functions in form of histograms, bars, and pie-chats. These graphs and charts are very useful for decision making.
The desktop publishing on personal computers allow the use of graphics for the creation and dissemination of information. Many organizations does the in-house creation and dissemination of documents. The desktop publishing allows user to create documents which contain text, tables, graphs, and other forms of drawn or scanned images or pictures. This is one approach towards the office automation.
The computer-aided drafting uses graphics to design components and systems electrical, mechanical, electromechanical and electronic devices such as automobile bodies, structures of building, airplane, slips, very large-scale integrated chips, optical systems and computer networks.
se of graphics in simulation makes mathematic models and mechanical systems more realistic and easy to study. The interactive graphics supported by animation software proved their use in production of animated movies and cartoons films.
There is lot of development in the tools provided by computer graphics. This allows user to create artistic pictures which express messages and attract attentions. Such pictures are very useful in advertising.
By the use of computer now it is possible to control various processes in the industry from a remote control room. In such cases, process systems and processing parameters are shown on the computer with graphic symbols and identification. This makes it easy for operator to monitor and control various processing parameters at a time.
Computer graphics is also used to represent geographic maps, weather maps, oceanographic charts, contour maps, population density maps and so on……….